There are 1,300+ Superfund
toxic waste sites on the US EPA's
National Priorities List

500 of these sites are within a mile of public housing, predominantly impacting minorites, elderly, and disabled. 56,000,000 Americans live within 3 miles of a Superfund site, 15% of which are children. 

What is the Superfund?

The United States federal Superfund law is officially known as the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). The federal Superfund program, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is designed to investigate and clean up sites contaminated with hazardous substances. Sites managed under this program are referred to as “Superfund” sites.

The National Priorties List (NPL) is the list of the worst of the worst toxic waste sites.







What We Do

FOIA – Public Records

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Data Mining Tools

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Corruption Investigations

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Education Campaigns

 learn more credited in the Roanoke Times for exposing the Largest Embezzlment Scheme in Virginia History over the redevelopment of the Avtex Superfund site

Read The Story

Short Film: Poison in the Grapes (2013)

Poison in the Grapes is an in depth investigation into the Summit Equipment & Supplies Superfund site, in our founder’s childhood neighborhood of Castle Homes, in Akron, Ohio.

The short film exposed the corruption at the Region 5 EPA that later led to the Flint Water Crisis.

San Fernando Valley Trichloroethelyne Vapor Intrusion Campaign

While the EPA records for the toxic waste in the ground water assure everyone that the water in San Fernando Valley is safe to drink, there is no mention of the dangers of subsurface vapor intrusion.

Hanford B Reactor: Take A Photo Tour Of  America’s Atomic Past

The B Reactor at the Hanford Site, near Richland, Washington, was the first large-scale nuclear reactor ever built. The project was commissioned to produce plutonium-239 by neutron activation as part of the Manhattan Project, the United States nuclear weapons development program during World War II.

LEARN MORE Founder On ABC News

The Summit Equipment & Supplies Superfund site, in Akron, Ohio, has been the subject of an EPA clean-up since 1987.

Interactive Superfund & Toxic Waste Site Locator

This interactive map, created by the US EPA, will help you quickly locate a Superfund site in your area and direct you to the publicly available online records cache for the site, including Records of Decision (ROD), site profiles, 5 year reviews, and other data and reports.

Learn More Superfund records downloader software

Our simple downloader software helps activists, researchers, journalists, and other oganizations, quickly locate and download publicly available bulk Superfund records from the the US EPA website.

Software Download Info

Environmental Cleanup Resources:

The links in this section open a new tab on your broswer.  Start with a fresh browser and click each button to setup a broswer with easy access to all current cleanup information and acess to data aboot US energy infrastructure.

Environmental Protection Agency

Supefund, Emergency Response, Brownfield Remediation, Underground Storage Tank Removal, Water, Air Pollution, Oil Spills, etc.

View Info Superfund NPL

Department of Defense

The DoD manages the cleanup of military installations. There are over 130 US based military Superfund sites.

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Department of Energy

The largest environmental cleanup program in the world, 107 radioactive nuclear sites across the country.

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Energy Information Administration


Everything you always wanted to know about US energy infrastructure but were afraid to ask. (data, interactive maps)

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We have been fortunate to have been featured, referenced, or mentioned in the following media outlets.